Aligning culture - mission / vision - Intention.
Once you’ve established a mission / vision for your organization, you have to make sure you are living it out in the every day activities associated with running the business.
Your staff and clientele should have a wonderful experience that is unique to your organization.
Mission / Vision
As people join your company, they bring life experiences and skills. In this section, we will discuss the importance of developing those aspects along with integrating their personality into your organization.
Intrinsic value is created when your company takes on the collective personality of your team and culture while accomplishing the mission and vision you’ve established.
Dedicated team members that understand the mission of the organization and the vision or big picture have the ability to dedicate themselves to ensure they are both accomplished. This confluence of commitment and culture is a powerful thing.

Radix North America is committed to developing leaders to create sustainable wealth with generational impact.
Stewarding amazing people and organizations that are committed to delivering excellence in customer service, staff enrichment and leadership development while improving their world.
— Darron J. Scanlon, Founder & CEO